We design websites that deliver the right experiences for your audience

Meet the new web
Long gone are the days when websites meant just plain pages with colored text. Browsers have come a long way, picking up features and becoming performant, which now enables websites to deliver much more than just written text to their visitors.
You must be tired of seeing web design companies and agencies exaggerating the same thing - grow traffic, get leads, SEO-friendly design and so on. While these are important goals to consider, they don’t mention the one thing that a well made website can deliver - an experience that reflects your business values.
With Motion powered UIs, Hardware Accelerated animations, and the power of HTML5, web designers now have wider creative angles to create amazing websites that can carry a visitor interactively through an experience that closely reflects your branding values and principles.
Our process
Here at Webixels, we approach web design in a holistic way, so that both your business goals and values are respected when designing a website. For us these are problems we have to solve systematically with a balanced blend of creativity, and just not pages we have to color to make them pretty. We also put a lot of research into defining expectations an ideal customer persona of your business would have when visiting your website.
Altogether, we deliver a website that is a rich visual representation of your business designed and optimized to carry your business forward with your business goals and values.

We stay close to the following design process
1. Initial research
We do an early research on the market of your business, reviewing your top competitor websites, evaluating the things that work for them, and things that do not work for them. This will give us all the things that we should consider to make the website effective for your business.
2. Understanding your business goals
It's important to understand your business goals, if any. Because some businesses use websites to improve their sales or customer base, for them website design should be goal-driven. It means to design the website in a way that transparently carries the user towards a goal fulfilling decision for the business.
3. Understanding your business values
This is the part we love the most, bringing your offline business experience to your online customers. This is actually very important to make sure that your brand and its values stay consistent as much as possible online and offline. With advancements in the browser anything is possible!
4. Page distribution
We then decide the number of pages required for your business and define their relationships. This process can also be called wireframing. This part is important so that users on your website can navigate through content that matters to them seamlessly.
5. Content schema
Then comes the process of defining what content should go where. This step is a very important factor in determining how successful can the website be in presenting the right information at the right time to successfully convert a user.
6. Design explorations
Finally, we get to design! This is where we actually start to design the website. We use all the information defined in the previous steps for the direction of the design and start thinking from creative angles.
In most cases we present the following deliverables throughout over design and development timeline.